Controller Services

In order for a small business to grow profitably it must have the financial capability of a Controller to make informed financial decisions. Growth presents many much growth…at what price…how much will the infrastructure cost to sustain the growth…can you obtain the financing? With all great opportunities come great challenges.  

If an opportunity was presented that would significantly change your business would you be able to determine the breakeven implications that would enable you to price the opportunity such that you could win the work and increase your profitability? The difference between Accounting / Bookkeeping personal and a Controller is the ability to perform the analysis that could answer that question.

Paradigm Management Controllers assist businesses grow and / or improve the cash flow and profitability of their operations. In addition to assisting with day to day accounting functions our Controllers provide financial leadership with cash flow forecasting, inventory and debt management, costing, breakeven analysis, and much more.

As with our CFO Services, Controllers provide financial leadership for emerging businesses on a permanent / part time basis. Therefore, the business decides how much assistance they need.